Devon Champs Ocean Events

Now its time for that old faithful the Surf Swim

Two Bronzes keep the medal tally creeping up

And now the Board Paddle Featuring young Kierron Dinsdale debuting in the 15 year olds in 8th position

With Connor (15th) and Fin (13th) in the 16-17 year old age groups

And Tom Merson Claiming Silver in the Open Males

Now to the Ski and our sole entrant taking on Competitors almost half his age in building swells Young Nigel Snowshall battled on for a bronze!

 resulting in this

In the Double Ski following 30 minutes of successful first time practising

 Fin and Connor took to the craft superbly to get 5th Place

In the Board Rescue the teams were beaten back to 5th for Fin and Kierron and 6th for Tom and Connor

all of this effort resulted in a runner up spot overall for the club